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Terex Fuchs MHL 331

With its diverse applications and near legendary maneuvering speed, the MHL 331D really does rev up the recycling business. 
Diesel, kW
Electric, kW
Reach, m
Operating weight, t
Grab capacity, m3
Clamshell grab capacity, m3
Timber grab capacity, m2
Up to 1,25
Contact us
Vladislavs Vapalis
Product Group Manager (Terex Fuchs, Mantsinen)

About the product

The solid undercarriage ensures stability when loads weighing several tonnes are to be moved utilizing a reach of up to 12 meters. So that in such situations neither speed nor precision is compromised, slewing motors and slewing gears are minutely adjusted and the lifting and stick cylinders equipped with special end-position damping.


Timber grab
Scrap shears
Magnetic plate
Load hook
Cactus grab
Sorting grapple
Clamshell grab

Technical specifications

Terex Fuchs MHL 331
